Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sample from Firefighter Shoot; August 25, 2009

I will be photographing four of our local firefighters for the 2009 Austin Firefighters Calendar, a fund raising effort for the AF Relief and Outreach Fund. The fund provides assistance to firefighters and their families impacted by injury, illness, or death, as well as aid to other citizens in need.

Here are a couple of samples of firefighter Todd Heiser of Engine 11. Our session was at the Zilker Botanical Gardens. I extend my thanks to Todd and his three colleagues who I have worked with this week (don't worry, the others will be represented in my blog in turn). We are lucky to have such folks protecting us and our homes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Serious definition and determination. So where are the rest of them..... ?
